Saturday 8 December 2007

The First Revit Structure Book has been written.

Wai Chu of BIM & BEAM fame reported on his blog page on the 5th Nov that Francis Leung a Revit Structure power user from Hong Kong has written a book called "Quick Start Revit Structure 2008. Wai gives an email address to contact Francis to find out more about how to purchase the book.

I emailed Fancis and it would appear that at the moment, the book is only available in Hong Kong. Fancis is checking with his publisher how to handle order from overseas, and is going to let me know as soon as he’s got the answer

As soon as I get further information form Francis I will post it here……

It would appear that Francis taught two excellent Revit Structure advanced classes during the Autodesk University 2007 in Las Vegas (11/26-11/30),

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