Thursday 30 April 2009

Revit 2010 Localisation Enhancements!

What is a Localisation Enhancement? I hear you cry……

Basically because Revit is a USA produced and based product and the Americans speak “English Jim but not as we know it” they use construction terms that are different to those that we use in good old Blighty

So Localisation Enhancements really means country specific terms.

The following USA terms that have been in the product pre 2010 have been changed in the UK installation, but just to confuse the user the online Help,CHM and shortcut files still reflect the US terms.

Now come on Autodesk if you could manage to tweak these terms when resigning the User Interface (UI) why oh why could you not run a "find and replace" in a word processor on the Help and Tutorial CHM?

It seems that the product development team always spoil the ship for a hapeth of tar….

USA Term .......................UK Term

Girder.......................... Primary
Joist ........................... Secondary
Horizontal Brace ............. Plan Brace
Purlin .......................... Tertiary
Coping ........................ Notching
Coping Distance ............. Notching Distance
Remove Coping .............. Remove Notching
Coped ......................... Notched (mostly appear in warning messages)


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