Wednesday 28 October 2009

Autodesk University Virtual ~ Make it a date!

I went to complete the application and found that you need your product licence or Subscription number or reference in order to register for free.... so be warned.
I sent the nice people at Autodesk University Registration Team an email because there was no "United Kingdom" option and to complete the form I had to select some other country. The message went:-

"Logging In OK I can’t register because I’m filling in the form at home and don’t have my serial number or my Subscription Number Drat…….

But at least add the “United Kingdom” to your list of countries!!!!

You know the little one that was involved in WW2 the one you guys joint right at the end when you were about to loose all the money you had lent us.

Lets try tomorrow from work…… Ho Hummmm "

A nice lady on the Autodesk University Registration Team replied within an hour that my details had been altered and Great Britain (United Kingdom) had been added to the list.

To protect the innocent lets call this lady Liz after our own dear Queen. I've emailed Liz back here is an extract:-

Liz (That's not really her name)

You are a 100% Star what can I say………

A lump in the throat, a tear in the eye….(“Land of Hope and Glory” playing in the background somewhere)

“Great Britain” my god it’s been some time since we have been known as Great.

Actually I’m English anyone can be British these days you know?

When I was a Kid we went into Class and there was this Big Map of the World on the wall and most of it was Pink, “ that Children is the British Empire and members of the Commonwealth" the Teacher would say.

"Ohhhhhh" we all replied in unison.

As I can’t be there in person perhaps we can meet at the Virtual Meeting?"

I may have just arranged my first internet cyber date!
(God lets hope the wife is not reading the Blog....)


  1. Your a nutter! :-) But an entertaining one.

  2. Pardon Miss?
    Opps Sorry I have a cold!
    Why thank you Rob for those kind words (I think).
    I feel like Robbie Williams now "Let Meeee Entertain You...."


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