Thursday 18 March 2010

London Revit User Group - LRUG for short!

My field of dreams!
“Build it and they will come” Kevin Cosner was told in the film “Field of Dreams” well it's been some time happening but I created the UK Revit Register with the hope that it might promote some regional banding of individuals that may want to meet down the local public house or visit each others offices when they found out that they are not the only "Revit user in the village."
The UK Revit Register Group on linked-in was created to provide UK Revit users with a Discussion Area or Forum, somewhere where they can post News Items and the facility to advertise Jobs directly to Revit Users or Companies that use Revit.You can subscribe to a weekly or daily email re activity on the group, or follow a discussion.
It was a discussion thread in the Linked-In UK Revit Register Group which has spawned the LRUG ~ David Light (Revit) suggested on a discussion thread I had started about do we need a UK User Group? that If he managed to get a room and a projector and every body threw in five quid for a beer and pizza, how many people would actually turn up? The overall response from everybody was that it sounded like a bargain. But at the end of the day, we didn’t do the beer and pizza!.
Carl Collins of Arup Associates provided the venue, tea, coffee and biscuits and last night 26 Revit Users from companies based in London met up at ARUP’s offices for the inaugural meeting of LRUG. I gave an introduction to the group and a short presentation on known Revit Bugs, David gave a presentation on Revit Tips and Tricks and Carl on what he calls “the Geeky Stuff “Accurate Calculation of Embodied Carbon and Energy”
During a group discussion it was decided to keep the meetings small by limiting attendees to one representative from each company for a number or reasons.
As David says on his blog “The group plans to start smallish and hopefully grow into something which is sustainable….often these groups fall apart after a few meetings. But I (we) are keen that this group can grow and flourish. It has no secret agendas, it is trying to go back to grass roots; a group for users to share knowledge and learn from one another across all disciplines of Revit.”
Whist the meetings are to be limited to one person per company, as many users as you wish from a company may become members of the LRUG web site.

I would like to thank the Partners of Scott White and Hookins, for donating some web space and funding the LRUG web site.
The web site is a work in progress and as webmaster I’m still learning Joomla! so it’s a little rough around the edges at the moment. As I said to the members last night I’ve built them a playground (web site) with all the things I would like to see there, it’s up to them how they end up using it.
All the presentations will be available for download following the meetings and a forum area is provided for All, Architectural, Structural and MEP users.
Don’t forget, If you are based in London and wish to have access to the Members area of the LRUG web site to gain access to the forum and members’ area or to express a desire to attend a future meeting please email
Allan Brown informs me that that the Linked-In Glasgow Revit User Group called GRUG is to have its Inaugural Meeting on Tues 1st June 2010. If you are based in or around Glasgow email Allan Brown or Graham Stewart or use their facebook site
We have also become aware of a user group called BIM up North for northern UK users is in process of being formed as well. I will let you have more details as they become available.

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