Wednesday 3 March 2010

Revit Jobs ~ 8 week contract in Leeds City Centre

I've just been notified by Rob Clark of Cadassist, of an 8 week contract up for grabs in Leeds city centre for experienced Revit technicians.

If you know of anybody who might be interested, please ask them to get in touch with Richard Robinson (

Rob is not recruitment agent, just a Technician looking out for other Technician during hard times...

Rob has not asked me to plug his company, but as he is a decent human being who is trying to help fellow Technicians, I'm going too anyway.

Visit Cadassist, Number 1 Autodesk Training Centre (ATC) in Northern Europe, for the THIRD year running (I did not know that until I read the signature at the bootom of his email!)

Contact Rob Clark - Trainer & Applications Engineer Telephone No 0161 440 8122

Cadassist have an airline style booking system, the earlier you book the cheaper it is. Some courses in vertical applications are even cheaper, hence the starting from £49 claim on their web site.

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