Monday 8 March 2010

UK CAD and BIM Construction Industry Recruitment

A few months ago I was contact by 2-3 Revit Draughtsmen / People / Technicians call them what you may, that had been or were about to be made redundant.

Recently I heard about a few Revit jobs being advertised through the grapevine, and I've posted them on this blog.

So I thought it might be useful to update the Recruitment postings to the blog such that they are easier to maintain in the future. Text editing and getting the posting to display on this thing is hard work!

In future if you search using the recruitment label you get a nice alphabetical listing of all the agencies and recruitment companies I'm aware of. If this resource helps one person who is out of work find employment then I will be happy.

Please email me with any additional companies that could be added to this list.

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