Thursday 27 May 2010

No Mastering Revit Structure for 2011 but perhaps in 2012?

Following on from my posting on the 14th May. I have now spoken to one of the Authors of Mastering Revit Structure, and also to Wiley and it has been confirmed that there will not be a Mastering Revit Structure 2011.

A spokesperson from Willey said "Yes, it really is a shame. It’s such a great book by a top-notch authoring team. You can imagine how much it pained me to explain we couldn’t revise it this year. The reason is due to lackluster sales – it was doubtlessly impacted by recession market conditions that as you know hit that portion of the industry incredibly hard."

However Wiley are hoping the AOTG (Autodesk Official Training Guides) arrangement and the recovering economy mean that they can revive this excellent book for 2012.

Until then 2010 versions are still available and the changes in Revit Structure from 2010 - 2011 are relatively minor.

UPDATE 8th May 2011 - Another year, and RST2012 is here - I've spoken to Wiley and there is not going to be a Mastering Revit Structure 2012- they are still keeping an eye on the economic climate and the growth of BIM and the take up of Revit Structure, so parhaps 2013?

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