Monday 14 June 2010

Time to Update your AUGI details

A Request from Mark W. Kiker AUGI President

Dear Members,

We are asking all members to update their member profile pages so AUGI has your latest contact information and demographics. This will assist us in creating new programs, defining future areas of growth and determining member needs. You may have moved, or changed jobs since you joined. You may have added new software to your talents or changed industries or job functions. We would like you to keep us up to date.

This can be easily done and takes no more than 2-3 minutes.

Just open this link and update your information. Then click on "Apply Changes" at the bottom of the page. If no changes were made and all the information is correct, just click on "No Changes Needed".

You have to log in to the site to update your profile. If you have problems logging in - please contact

It is simple and will help AUGI in the process.

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