Monday 4 October 2010

London BIM Conference 2010 and the UK Government!

Last week on Thursday 30th September, I attended the Autodesk BIM Conference 2010 at Links Place in London.

There were speakers from Autodesk, John Lorimer Director of Manchester City Council, Architects, Structural and Civil Engineers, John Tocci, CEO, Tocci  Building Companies (from the USA) there were representatives from the Institutions and then there was Paul Morrell

Who Is Paul Morrell? I hear you ask

To give him his full title it’s Mr Paul Morrell OBE FRICS HonFRIBA, UK Chief Construction Advisor to the UK Government. He was previously senior partner of construction consultants Davis Langdon, and also former deputy chair of the Commission on Architecture in the Built Environment (CABE).

He is a very eloquent and humorous speaker who puts his point across very distinctly. The image I have used is very Hitch Hikers Guide like (An in-joke for those that attended the conference and are of a certain age or should I say vintage).

Like the Earth in the Hitch Hikers Guide, Paul Morrell could be described as “Mostly Harmless”, however his message will mean changes on the way that those not already using Revit or BIM software will have to work in the future.

He indicated that Building Information Modelling (BIM) will become a key part of the procurement process of public buildings in the future, saying:-

“I am convinced that this is the way to unlock new ways of working that will reduce cost and add long-term value to the development and management of built assets in the public sector, but the move needs to be made on a basis that is secure, that works for Government clients and those who deliver services to them, and which draws on proven means of integrating the supply chain,”

A trial team is currently testing the use of BIM in government projects and will report its findings to the Construction Clients Board in March. Paul Morell said that he hoped that the report would “mark the beginning of a commitment to a timed programme of transformation”.

Autodesk vice-president, Phil Bernstein.said: We believe that yesterday’s recommendation to UK government construction procurers will drive industry change, just as similar decisions by the government have in the US,” and We also believe that these clear incentives will encourage the use of BIM methodology by government and the wider construction industry. They will provide better value for construction spend while enhancing environmentally responsible building design, construction and operation.”

So there you have it boys and girls, it looks as if the UK Government are following the USA with regards to IPD and BIM.

1 comment:

  1. Luiz Carlos Said ...
    To my understanding we have to make these changes now ... fast and investing in better performance of our work. We can not lose this watershed in terms of decisions on projects that apply the Bim...


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