Monday 25 October 2010

Revit Detail ~ 23 Video Tutorials, Model and Rendering Guide

Peter McCarthy is an Architectural Technician based in London in the UK with a passion for detailing (including 3D detailing) and member of LRUG the London Revit User Group. He started his blog Revit Detail on Friday 1st January 2010 stating that:-

“Over the next 12 months I plan to write and explain how to develop your architectural details and model them in Revit. I’ll run through analysis of the detail, modelling the basics, modelling the advance parts, adding the 2D detail for final touch-ups and more. This is to help all new Revit users, students learning architecture and to develop the general knowledge base in the Revit community.”

It appears his intention was “ to see if a whole project could be done in about 15 (half hour) videos so that you could download them all and watch them in a single sitting of one day at work.” However it ended up as 23 videos, which is approx 10.5 hours worth of footage.

On Saturday 16th October 2010 Peter posted his central model for the project, 23 Videos and a nice 39 page booklet on how to Render in Revit. So he actually ended producing more in less time!

This is a very valuable Revit resource for new and existing revit users, and I would like to thank Pater for the time and effort he has put into producing these videos.

It’s really worth popping over to Revit Detail and harvesting the material that Peter has produced.



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