Tuesday 23 November 2010

Calling All UK Revit Users In and around Leeds and Bristol

I have been speaking to Chris Senior author of Revit Elemental and Glenn Jowett of Revit ST blog. They are both interested in setting up a Revit User Group in the Leeds area.

If this would interest anyone in or around the Leeds area, either comment on Glenn Jowetts RT Structure Post or send me your details to add to the UK Revit Register.

I also believe that Chris and Glenn will be setting up a Linked-In group for people to join. If enough interest can be generated, something will hopefully take shape early in the new year!

Chris and Glenn are not alone Mark Fox of Revit Fox is still tying to find enough Revit Users in and around Bristol with the aim of arranging a meeting early next year.

With LRUG, BRUG, ERUG, GRUG and now I’m guessing Leeds-RUG (having already nicked the L for London) It's looking like more and more users want to have that peer to peer support experiance.

Current UK Revit User Groups

The idea of the UK Revit Register to enable users and companies using Autodesk Revit Architecture, Structure and MEP to find other users and companies also using Revit based products in their region so that they can collaborate with them on schemes using a common program.
It’s hoped that the register might promote some regional banding of individuals that may want to meet down the local public house or visit each others offices when they found out that they are not the only Revit user in the village.You never know, if enough people respond, perhaps Regional User Groups may form around the UK. Those that already have or about too are listed below:-

BRUG ~ Bristol Revit User Group
Looking for members in and around the Bristol Area hoping for its first meeting in 2011

ERUG ~ Edinburgh Revit User Group
Sister Revit User group to the Glasgow Revit User Group. Hoping to hold its first meeting in January 2011

GRUG ~ Glasgow Revit User Group
Held three meeting in 2010, next meeting due early 2011

LRUG ~ London Revit User Group ~ formed 2010
Meeting held on or about the 3rd Wednesday, bi-monthly in Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept & Nov

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