Monday 20 December 2010

Politically Correct Christmas Wish II

Last year I wanted to send a seasonal greeting but with it being so difficult in today's world to know exactly what to say without offending someone, I came up with the Politically Correct Christmas Wish MkI.

Greeting Mk II is known to Alpha and Beta testers as Miserable Old Git or MOG for short.

Seasonal Greeting II also ticks another governmental objective as I have now recycled 95% of it from last year making minor modification and improvement to the design.

So without further ado here is Seasonal Greeting or Wish Mk II

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, nonaddictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practised with the most enjoyable traditions of religious persuasion or secular practices of your choice with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.

I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2011, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make our country great, not to imply that the United Kingdom (apologies to those of a republican persuasion) is necessarily greater than any other country, and without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.

By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms:

This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher. Disclaimer:

No trees were harmed in the sending of this message; however, a significant number of electrons were slightly inconvenienced.

I am considering opening up the product Seasonal Wish on subscription which means that you will receive fixes to typing errors as they are found and a Subscription Advantage Pack half way through the term of your subscription that will create more bugs than it fixes and provide you with nothing of real advantage at all. Thus I apologise in advance for the term advantage being used at all in the service description.

Due to the current economic climate, next years Seasonal Wish III is likely to be a refurbishment project, as governmental expenditure is currently being geared more towards refurbishment and not new build. Unfortunately BIM and Revit is not really suitable for this task regardless of how many videos and seminars by Autodesk may be produced or held, and Microsoft Word will be used for the task.

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