Sunday 9 January 2011

More Toposurface Video Tutorials

Here are a bunch of Toposurface Video Tutorials From: AutodeskBuilding  that were uploaded to Youtube on the 17 December 2010, In typical Autodesk format they have said these are for Autodesk Revit Architecture, but they equally apply to Revit Structure. Enjoy if your still learning about Toposurfaces  

Autodesk Revit Architecture: Creating a Toposurface  [ 2:06 ]
Demonstrates how to create a toposurface in Revit Architecture by importing contour data from a DWG file

Autodesk Revit Architecture: Site Settings [ 2:00 ]
Demonstrates how to access the Site Settings dialog in Revit Architecture in order to label and control the display of contours and the sectional qualities of the toposurface.

Autodesk Revit Architecture: Creating a Toposurface by Defining Points [ 1:59 ]
Demonstrates how to create a toposurface in Revit Architecture by placing multiple points and illustrates that contours are generated based on triangulation.

Autodesk Revit Architecture: Adding Site Components [ 2:04 ]
Demonstrates how to load site component families in Revit Architecture, such as a parking space and a planting object from the library, and how to change the component type while placing the object

Autodesk Revit Architecture: Creating a Building Pad [ 1:46 ]
Demonstrates how to use a DWG underlay file and sketching tools to add a building pad to the site in Revit Architecture, and shows how the toposurface adjusts to the pad

Autodesk Revit Architecture: Creating Topographic Subregions [ 1.37 ]
Demonstrates how to use sketching tools to create a subregion in Revit Architecture and how to assign alternate materials to the subregion

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