Tuesday 15 February 2011

ERUG - Edinburgh Revit User Group - Inaugural Meeting

Following the overwhelming success of the GRUG the Glasgow Revit User Group meetings, the ERUG committee are pleased to extend an invite to all Revit users and anyone with an interest in BIM working in Edinburgh and surrounding areas to attend the first ERUG - Edinburgh Revit Users Group meeting.

Date:-   Wednesday March 02, 2011, from 06:00 - 08:00pm
Venue:- Buro Happolds Offices, 152 Morrison Street Edinburgh

This being the first meeting, attendees will have a chance to meet each other and there will be presentations which are to be confirmed shortly.

Please RSVP if you are attending so the committee can gauge interest. Confirmation of your invite will be emailed a week prior to the meeting along with an agenda.

For more information please visit the ERUG Linked-In Group

Lets hope that ERUG get enough interest and attendees, to keep two user groups afloat in Scotland. 

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