Tuesday 1 February 2011

NBS in the blogosphere

Here is something I found recently that you may find interesting....

NBS have recently launched a blog on Building Information Modelling (BIM) at nbsbrightsparks.wordpress.com. Blogging allows interaction between NBS staff on key topics and those within the construction industry who are interested in that area.
Screenshot of nbsbrightsparks.wordpress.com
BIM is one of these topics and a number of posts have been made on key issues:
Dr Stephen Hamil, Head of Software Development at NBS, also writes his own Software Development blog at constructioncode.blogspot.com, where you'll find out a bit more on the latest NBS software developments. Again, comments are more than welcome to any of the posts.
Recent posts include:
Finally, NBS also has its own Twitter feed. Follow us at twitter.com/thenbs.
Find out more
Related NBS information:
Source http://www.thenbs.com/topics/BIM/articles/nbsInTheBlogosphere.asp Written January 2011


  1. Noticed you'd sent us some visitors through from the blog web stats. Thanks for the post! Your promotion of our stuff and your kind words most appreciated.

  2. No Problem Stephen, I'm an NBS User!


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