Tuesday 10 May 2011

3D Rodents - Computer Gadgets and Stress Toys

Here is a quick snap shot of my workstation or desk in the office.

There is something new on the desk that I really want to experiment with and blog about, and it isn't the Adipose who has just found that I have a new anti stress gadget to play with!

After some playing (Ummmm I mean serious review time and research) I will let you guys know how I get on with the 3D rodent! or to give it it's real name 3DConnexion SpaceExplorer USB.

I would like to thank 3Dconnexion UK  for providing me with the hardware.

David Light has also had a play, I mean serious research time, and has even produced a blog and video of his research time!

Here are some useful Quicklinks if you want to find out more.

3Dconnexion UK Autodesk Revit Supported Software
3Dconnexion Uk Videos
Read more and price in £ for the SpacePilot Pro
Read more and price in £ for the Space Explorer USB
Read more and price in £ for the Space Navigator for Notepads
Read more and price in £ for the SpaceNavigator
Purchase a 3Dconnexion device with Graphics Card from Excitech

Here is a video of the SpaceNavigator being used with Google Earth from YouTube


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