Saturday 28 May 2011

Revit Structure 2012 UK Terminology Hotfix

A big THANK YOU to all of you that emailed Ralph Pullinger about the missing UK Terminology in Revit 2012 as a resuilt of my previous posting we now have a HOTFIX from Autodesk available.

Click Here to download the Hot Fix.
There have been historical problems with UK installs of Revit and Service Packs in the past and lets hope that the Autodesk Development and Quality Assurance teams do finally learn from their mistakes and don’t persist in repeating the time after time like groundhog day and take time to use willinig members of the ever increasing UK Users Groups to test out final installs for them before they go live.

It’s going to save them so much aggravation and egg on the face if they do.

That said, all in all an excellent result from them in resolving the problem and providing the HOTFIX within 10 days of my original posting..

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