Thursday 29 March 2012

Revit 2013 Family Structure & Content


Hi Blog Readers

No I've not dropped off the universe, just been very busy with family issues as my wife Jennifer was taken into hospital and for a short period was in intensive care. Combine that with work and organising and administration of the LRUG March meeting, then editing videos and creating material from the presentation to upload to the LRUG members’ area of the web site there Isn’t very much time for other interests or blogging.

Thankfully we now have Jen home with us again, complete with cylinders of oxygen etc. but she is still with us and hopefully on the road to recovery.

What can I say about RST 2013……

OK as previous years I have been beta testing, but no Bloggers event this year, shame I missed killing the penguins. In reality I would not have had time for it with everything that has been going on.  

The same stupid prat that let the cat out of the bag early last year (who some see as a Revit Evangelist) has done the same this year. I saw a linked-in notification of his posting and was not surprised who it was when I went there to read it.

David Light a fellow founder of LRUG has done his usual excellent review, (Click Here to read) and as the NDA is over I can now Blog legitimately.   

From my point of view, I’m underwhelmed with the lack of development, as I have been the last couple of years. The 2010 and 2011 version saw major advances with the product and real additions halfway during the Autodesk product year at Subscription Advantage Release.

I understand that for most of the world there has been a recession, however looking at press releases about Autodesk profits recently, they need not only to squeeze every ounce of monies out of large corporate companies but to actually use that money in developing the products to give us real tangible benefits.

We are still waiting for many items that have been on the users “Need List” not “Want List” (and there is a distinct difference) for many years now. One prime example that comes up every year is Subscript and Superscript in the text editor. It’s basic and fundamental, and still missing within the Revit 2013 text editor.

OK off soapbox and to some stuff I can share.

Many moons ago, when I was younger, so much younger than today, (sorry I had a Beatles moment) in January 2008 I produced my first Revit Libraries Reference Guide and Autodesk used it to make modification to all the typographical errors and misspellings in the 2010 release the following year.

And it’s since then I have produced a review annually so Click Here for the Revit Structure version for 2013

Best thing I can say is download and read it, some stuff has been moved around and renamed so much I’ve included diagrams like the one below just to sort it out in my own mind.


Revit 2013 ~ What's New In Revit 2013 ~ David Light ~ CLICK HERE 

Revit 2013 ~ 30 Day Trial version ~    CLICK HERE

Revit 2013 ~ System requirements ~  CLICK HERE

Revit 2013 ~ Materials ~ CLICK HERE 


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