Friday 8 June 2012

The Hitch Hikers Guide to BIM Arrives

Well there it is for what it’s worth, on the left panel is a little reference document that you can hopefully dish out to those Partners, Directors and Managers or anyone else who want to play BIM BUZZ WORD BINGO or needs to a grip of the Terms and Acronyms used when talking about BIM (OK the list isn’t definitive yet).

Wikipedia says
Buzzword bingo (also known as bullshit bingo) is a bingo-style game where participants prepare bingo cards with buzzwords and tick them off when they are uttered during an event, such as a meeting or speech. The goal of the game is to tick off a predetermined number of words in a row and then yell "Bingo!" (or "Bullshit!").

What is BIM – Until recently it was probably easier to tell someone what it wasn’t, then CPIC came to our rescue with a common definition

`… digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility creating a shared knowledge resource for information about it forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle, from earliest concept to demolition.’

Rolls off the tongue and is really memorable NOT.

This 3 minute video by graphisoft is the simplest and clearest explanation I’ve seen to date in layman’s terms and it’s done with 2D drawings on paper! (ironic really)

Back to the HHGTB (ok ok I could not resist) It’s a work in progress (and has been for months) worked on when time allows. There are more sections planned, I want to add a list of FREE BIM related software and links to BIM related sites.

I would be grateful to receive any feedback, suggestions or even content for future editions.

I'm already finding typos and errors plus adding new typos and errors for the next edition ;0)


  1. Outstanding work! What I've flipped through so far is top notch! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Kevin - Thank you for the positive feedback, I'm adding more to the June edition so bookmark and return ;0)


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