Tuesday 3 July 2012

Draft COBie Guide for Public Review & Comment

The COBie Guide is a framework for project owners and teams to develop a practical implementation strategy toward COBie. Once the document has been customized for a given owner, that owner's version of the Guide should be directly referenced in design and construction specifications.

The COBie Guide is the result of many-years of effort in the development and pilot testing of COBie within the public-sector. The Guide was released on 02-July-12 for national review by interested AECOO Industry and buildingSMART alliance members. 

Following a three (3) month national review, the COBie Guide will be updated based on consensus feedback and submitted as a "best practice" ballot to NBIMS version 3.

Committee Working on the PAS 1192-2:2012 

Please note the adequate and realistic amount of time allowed to obtain feedback on the draft document 

You may download the June 2012 draft of the COBie Guide here.http://projects.buildingsmartalliance.org/files/?artifact_id=4856

A Starter for 10 from the UK Guys’n’Girls can be found and should be posted here http://forums.buildingsmartalliance.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=609

Extract Below:-

The following comments were provided upon receipt of pre-release copy of the COBie Guide from Nick Nisbet.

(1) The introduction of a naming policies: I think the key idea that we have found needed re-enforcement was similar- the idea of continuity! One of the UK tender deliverables had three sets of names for the same set of spaces.Merged but not really!

(2) In the UK we are going to get uptight on the 'every component should be in at least one system'. This is a simple idea, that ensures for example that cost and carbon have somewhere to be attached, and then each system's impacts can be validated against the system contents. The big aim is comparability of the cost of the Systems, not just of the Facility or Types.

(3) The use of a Placement attribute - is this just 'where to look once you get to the room'?.

(the following additional comments were submitted after the initial set)

P1. United States? Can we say “and international” ?

P3 Index/structure. Section 8 and Annex B are similar but separate ? How many paragraphs titled ‘Filters’ do we have ?

P12 Government approval? And Agency (annex A) ? Can we say Client so as to create a generic document. COBie isn’t just for governments, it’s for Customers.

P13 Shouldn’t schematic design have a schedule of systems (without Components yet)? We ask for this in the UK. It answers the ‘completeness’ and ‘cost’ questions.

P17 Site work? “… shall cover the section of the site associated to the building.

P17 Generally, Can we say ‘facility’ not ‘building’ ? I am labouring with “Floor/Sector” !

P18 Space naming policy. To append an ‘A’ are we assuming a numeric space name policy?

P18 Dash? Unique numbers ? Let’s be more explicit. “Names should be alphanumeric, without punctuation .”

P19 Component naming rule . It’s a suggestion in the absence of any other name. . It’s not applicable to Moveable assets, to large assets etc.

P19 Placement: are the options: “in space, on ceiling, on wall (=chase), on floor, behind wall(=shaft),above ceiling, below floor, site, roof, other ?

P19 Site spatial containment. Good! The adjacent site is part of the COBie (see P17) !

P20 Zone names. “In general”… …. “by zone characteristic such as Public circulation, not just type such as Circulation, optionally with floor and/or wing appended”.

P21 sp. Unites

P21 Suggest documenting the buildingSMART RefLatitude, RefLongitude and Elevation parameters. TrueNorth too.

P23 Clarity between Type and Component attributes would, be helpful. Should Type be TypeName?

P24 Does introducing a BOD prefix help with data continuity? Can we not have a separate attribute ‘TypeStatus’ = “generic, basis-of-design, selected, installed”. “Notes” and “ApprovedDeviations” are nice.

P27 Has anyone reviewed section 8 and B1 for compatibility with buildingSMART property sets?

P27 Are you intent on nominating units or can we nominate measures with suggested units?

P72 – P73 Can we be “object”ive and have two properties on a Spare “Cost” and “Quantity”. Unit price is derivative. Other Costs should be independent, so I am dubious about “Sub Cost”. Attribute Descriptions ? “Logistics Category” ? 1
& 2 ? Is Criticality an enumeration ? Spec number and section ? Is this Category (Omniclass table 23) ?. What is Attic ?

P74 Spaces are allowed around the : in a classification. Easier on the eye!

P115 (throughout).

(a) I appreciate the difference between Schedule Headings and COBie Attribute names. I have an un-camel-case function and a to-camel-case function for these situations.

(b) I think we should distinguish between Type (Manufacturer) and Component properties (NorthCoordinate) where we can. Having seen 630,000 rubbish attributes, we don’t want to excuse such stupidity. Only “unique characteristics, location and quantities should be attached to a Component”.

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