Wednesday 25 November 2009

101 Useful YouTube Tutorials for College Students

Amber Johnson sent me a link to a great resource called “101 Useful YouTube Tutorials for College Students” having two daughters, one just completing 6th form and heading to University and the other about to enter 6th form I think its a great resource and worthy of posting here...

While these videos all offer serious advice for adjusting to college, some of them are done with humor, Enjoy.

Here are some other lists that may be useful

100+ Google Tricks That Will Save You Time in School
100 Best Blogs for International Business Students
100 YouTube Videos for Your Business Education & Enlightenment
50 Eye-Opening Lectures for the Marketing Mind
101 iTunes Feeds to Boost Your Business Savvy
100 Must-Read Blog Posts for Networking in a New Age

1 comment:

  1. There are so many ways to make money via YouTube without becoming a partner. A little creativity goes a long way!
    YouTube Secrets Blog


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