Sunday 22 November 2009

Does the sun shine out of your...?

With a mind to all things BIM, LEED, BREAAM, Sustainable and planet saving, here is a Greenpeace ad that makes its point pretty well! Made by Park Village London for Escape Partners. Directed by Sven Harding.

It seems to have been around for some time but I only got to see it yesterday.

Unfortunately these energy saving bulbs have toxic heavy metals in them. Some say they are very harmful to our environment and dangerous if one breaks in a room (releasing harmful vapours). There were lots of concerns raised about how to handle and dispose of these bulbs safely for a couple of weeks in the papers and on the television then nothing more was ever said about it!

Back to the ad, I love the look on the guys face right at the end, and the bike is a killer. I hate the new bulbs, and now our old bulbs are no longer legal to produce.

But the general message of the ad not to waste energy is important!

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