Friday 18 December 2009

Excitech ~ BIM for Renovation - A Free Web Seminar


To be held at 12 noon, Wednesday 10th February 2010, at your desk!

Learn how BIM solutions can be effectively utilised on renovation and refurbishment projects and the benefits that can be achieved by doing so.

When we think of using a BIM solution such as Revit Architecture we initially think of new build projects and the benefits and savings we may achieve by creating a virtual model of the proposed design. If however, we are asked to refurbish an existing building our enthusiasm for using this solution may be hampered by issues such as:
  • No existing building model
  • Only 2D drawings are available
  • The perceived requirement to create a detailed model of the existing building before any work on a proposed refurbishment can take place
Through this webinar we will demonstrate the ways in which Revit can effectively be utilised on these types of projects, and discuss some of the ways in which we can achieve additional benefits from taking this approach.

We will examine the integration of existing 2D CAD data as the basis of a Revit solution. We will show how project phasing and design options can be utilised to communicate our proposals to all interested parties. We will discuss the modelling requirements for energy performance analysis on an existing building in order to compare the results with our proposals, and the tools available to us.

We will also present a case study demonstrating how Revit has been used successfully in such a project: James Austin from _space group will discuss his experiences with using Revit on a demanding refurbishment project.

Simply Click Here then scroll to the bottom of the page to register.

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