Thursday 10 December 2009

Time to Harvest All Those AU Classes!

. Click the Squirrel to go to AU Online

It’s time once again to go into squirrel mode, and harvest all those very useful Revit classes that are to be found on Autodesk University Online!

There are reportedly some 500 plus classes in total over all Autodesk’s products.

There are:~

Handouts & Presentation material in Word, PowerPoint and adobe pdf format
Example files and Datasets
Screencasts and Podcasts and
AU Virtual sessions
All ready for harvesting from Friday 11th December!

I’ve just emailed the Technical Staff at work about holding a weekly or fortnightly Lunchtime session where we can run some of the Virtual sessions and screen casts, so far it look like 95% of them are up for it!

The main problem I see with the screen casts is the extremely poor quality of the sound recordings. The Virtual sessions are a much better quality (after they fixed the poor sound quality on a few of the early sessions)

If Autodesk learn anything from this years AU, I hope it’s to find better sound engineers and to create far more virtual sessions, for later downloading by users who want save the planet, or just can’t afford to travel to Las Vegas.

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