Tuesday 10 January 2012

VEO - Must See Teaser Trailer Video


You will feel like Johnny 5 after watching the Teaser Trailer Videos and you will definitely need "More Input"

M-SIX State on their Linked-in Company Page

"M-SIX is building VEO™, a cloud-based platform for use in the design, construction, and operation of buildings and other structures.

We have partnered with some of the largest AEC firms in the United States to help us understand their needs and to stress test VEO with large, complex projects. In addition to refining our technology, we are paying a great deal of attention to the "anthropology" – the collaborative workflow.

When connected inefficiently, the tools used in Building Information Modeling add as much friction and complexity as they do valuable insights. Connect these capabilities with a smooth, realtime workflow in which all decision makers have the information they need when they need it – then you will have a solution. Then you will have VEO."

Go Watch 

"GET INPUT" and Blown Away !

"Beautiful VEO™"

This is one program I want to have a play with.

I only hope it's as good as the teaser trailer video.

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