IFC4 has been finalized, and it is officially released on 12. March 2013 for production.
London / Munich / Waltham 12. March 2013
After over 6 years of development and over 1100 issues being resolved, on 12. March 2013 buildingSMART international has finally released the new generation of IFC schemas - IFC4. It will now be the basis of future work of establishing new open BIM enabled work flows by defining new IFC4 based model view definitions.
The official IFC4 release includes both the IFC4 EXPRESS schema to support current STEP-based IFC exchanges, and the ifcXML4 XSD schema to support new simple ifcXML transactions,
>>read and download the final IFC4 specification<<
I hate these bloody web sites where you have to register and set passwords just to download material, I have registered historically and have never received any form of communications from them.
For Christ sake just use a download counter it’s just registration for registration sake!!!
It’s even worse when all you want is to do is download a brochure.