Thursday 5 May 2011

FREEish Upgrade to Autodesk Design and Creation Suite


Steve Stafford over at Revit OpEd mused in his posting Rumor Mongering - Building Design Sweet Deal

"Autodesk may be offering a nice upgrade deal for existing subscription Revit customers. Essence of the short term offer to upgrade to the Premium level with the catch that the yearly subscription fee will increase at renewal time later. I'm hopeful that this rumor will come true! "

Someone commented on his blog that this was a deal direct from Autodesk, but no it will be via  Resellers who in the UK are being briefed right at this moment.

1 comment:

cadalot said...

Hi Luke

Looking at your profile I found your site which was not on my watched list. I've now corrected that and added it to my list

So the first I saw was Steve Staffords posting.

Lukes site is