At your desk!
In live on-line demonstrations - web seminars or "webinars" - Excitech will show you how the new Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis software suites can aid fast and efficient structural engineering design.
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2009 is collaborative, versatile, and fast software to help you compete and win in the global economy.
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional calculates even your most complex models with exceptionally powerful finite element auto-meshing, non-linear algorithms, and a comprehensive collection of design codes, delivering results in minutes, not hours.
Seamless, collaborative workflow and interoperability with 3D bidirectional links to Autodesk companion products, together with an open application programming interface (API) provide a scalable, country-specific analysis solution for many different types of structures, including buildings, bridges, civil and specialty structures.
This web seminar will demonstrate how designs can be created in Autodesk Revit Structure and then analysed in Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis, including:
Robot Extensions
Design features
RC Beam
RC column
connection design
Revit Extensions (New features)
Model Transfer to Robot Structural Analysis
Design and Change
Bidirectional Data flows between AutoCAD Structural Detailing
To register to attend this event simply click here then complete the form at the bootom of the page.
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