Revit Structural Suite 2011 Out of the Box (or from the download these days) Metric Library Reference Guide as installed in the UK. I originally created this document back in 2007 for version 2008 and catalogued all the typos and spelling errors in the Metric Library and sent it to Autodesk so that they could make the corrections for version 2009
I’ve also used it in the past to catalogue and ask questions about UK Specific Content when released.
Autodesk have traditionally been very poor at documenting what exactly should be in the (metric) library. I’m hoping they are going to improve in the future (OK I’m an eternal optimist! ;0)
Recently in the service packs you get a ~Newfilelist~.ini that gives you some information about what has been added and a backup of what has been removed. However I firmly believe that each folder should have a readme,txt file that gives:-
Name of the folder
# Files Deleted ~ (with a full listing with some explanation of why they have been removed)
# New files added ~ (complete listing)
# Files Modified ~ ( with a full listing with some explination as to what has been modified and why?)
# Files updated ~ (Those that are exactly as in the previous release but have just been upgraded to the current format)
Where Manufactures specific content is supplied it would be useful to have the manufacturers name and or product or trade name as part of the family file name
Hyperlinks to Manufacturers web sites would also be extremely useful. This information should be embedded with the family.
This would allow a BIM Manager to effectively manage the Library from version to version including the service packs.
Dept. of Wishes - Center Options Bar Options
4 weeks ago
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